Friday, September 9, 2011


I've recieving a lot of advices lately. I guess God tell me I HAVE TO CHANGE.
Yes, I really have to change.

These are (some of) the advices I recieved :
1. I'm fat, I have to get my self control over food.
2. There's no easy way to earn money. Means I have to be persistent and diligent. (no laziness allowed).
3. Be brave (in everything).
4. Just do it. Enough with all the talks.
5. No procrastinating. Anything must be done NOW.
6. and so many more....

Arrgghh......I really need these advices.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Holidays are over, here's a sum up.

Holidays in Singapore....

continued to Phuket, Thailand.

I'm missing it already! Haha....

Saturday, July 30, 2011

New start.

Today is a new start. We want to start enjoying our lives better than before. We want to start the baby-making program all over again. We want to start new friendships. We want to start to believe God more and more in His new plans for us. We want to start everything new in our lives.....

Friday, July 22, 2011

Been busy

Hello again....I've been busy.
Now, I think it's time to me to strart writing again.

This is what I've been doing :
1. Cooking.
I cook lunch everyday. I looovvveeeee cooking.
Really, I just love it. Usually it's my mom who's in charge in the kitchen. But since she is away in Singapore, I enjoy everyday cooking for my father and my husband.
I'm happy and fulfilled.

2. Going on a short trip to the Thousand Islands.
We were there only for 2 days, with a bunch of teenagers from our church.
We had a lot of fun there and we can appreciate things better now. We feel refreshed.
3. I'm returning to blogging....
Please remind me to post our activities :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

it's been a while

Hey, it's been a while since the last time I wrote something in this page.
I just want to say everything's good.
Our lifes haven't changed much also.
Just stop by and write this note :

"We are fine"

hhihihihi :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Is having a child a race?

That is the question I've been thinking lately...
There are so many, I repeat, so many people ask about when we're gonna have children? are we on a birth control programe? are both of us OK? hve we seen doctors and receive treatment?
And the most cruel thing that they can possibly do to me is : making statement that we lose, that couple and or this couple have already won the race.....of having babies.
I just don't get it. What a shallow mind to think that not having a baby (yet) means losing?
Is it a race? No need to answer that because I've known the answer.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I love you, too....

M (Mar) : Hon...
E (Ed) : yah..
M : do you love me?
E : hmm...yes.
M : Honey, do you really really love me?
E : Yes, why do you ask? Is everything's OK?
M : Everything's fine, just want to know for sure...
E : Yes, I love you, really really love you.
I may not be able to show you everytime, you know me (he means he is not an expressive type of man).
Be assured, I love you so much from the depth of my heart..
M : OK then, promise'll never leave me, no matter what...
E : Sure. Crossing my heart!
M : I love you......really really love you too.....

Note : the conversation took place a couple nights ago. :) happy to remember it. May our love grow strong each and every day til death do us apart!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A sad and shocking day...

Today is a sad day. I woke up feeling very sad because I had a nightmare. In my dream, I get the feeling that I miscarriage our baby. That is a very sad dream, considering that we've longed for babies for quite some time now. Hiks... so very sad way to start a day.
Today is also a shocking day. One of my husband's friend had passed away in a tragic way. He was found dead besides a swimming pool in his (girlfriend's) apartment area, after (what seems to be) an accident of falling off from their room's porch on the 23rd floor. They say he might had been drinking. The thing is, he was a married man with 2 small children, and (I assume) that his wife didn't have a clue about his infidelities. To find out about one's death along with his secrets revealed, how would that make you feel?
I'd like to quote our other friend : "What a bad way to leave your loved ones!"
So just to say, today is a sad and shocking day.....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Trying new (cheap) shoes

IMG_7002, originally uploaded by marwatee.

This was me trying new shoes. I needed them to wear to a wedding reception. It was held outdoor and I don't want to ruin my stilettos.. I also not a fan of wedges, so I bought the cheapest ones I could find.
They were worth it, because later that night there were so so many stilettos got ruined in the dirt... and my shoes were all OK!
So I'll always remember to wear my wedges or flats when attending an outdoor party......

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Me & My Husband

DSC00231, originally uploaded by marwatee.

Hello again,
Today I want to show you, our picture together. This was taken in a wedding party, my cousin's. It was also my birthday! And to add the odds, it was also my uncle's birthday (according to Lunar Calender). So on that very same day, all three of us were celebrating....Yay!
In this picture, I think my husband looked cute and I chubby :) Don't you think?

Friday, January 21, 2011

My first post....

This is my first post in our blog. Together we want to write memoirs about ourselves. We are Edy and Marwati. We live in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. An archipelago country in equator area. In case somebody's reading this, please go to to search where we live.
This is Mar writing. Because my husband's only helping me to start and for the mean time, I'm going to tell stories about us.
Actually it's my idea to use the "UP" movie as our blog basis. We both like the movie so much, apart from that Ellie had to die first to make the story begins. The spirit of adventure...that they had as children lasted long even after she'd died. We want to have that spirit in our life and achieve our dreams, together!
And hopefully you can add more colours to our life. Enjoy!