Friday, September 9, 2011


I've recieving a lot of advices lately. I guess God tell me I HAVE TO CHANGE.
Yes, I really have to change.

These are (some of) the advices I recieved :
1. I'm fat, I have to get my self control over food.
2. There's no easy way to earn money. Means I have to be persistent and diligent. (no laziness allowed).
3. Be brave (in everything).
4. Just do it. Enough with all the talks.
5. No procrastinating. Anything must be done NOW.
6. and so many more....

Arrgghh......I really need these advices.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Holidays are over, here's a sum up.

Holidays in Singapore....

continued to Phuket, Thailand.

I'm missing it already! Haha....